#Lighting #Furniture #Decorative objects #Seats #18th century

A few words about our Gallery


Who are we?

Born into a family of antique dealers for three generations, the passion and the requirement for beauty, the old and the authentic, were passed on to me from an early age. This passion, I live it every day in my job, with the constant pleasure of finding a beautiful object, a pretty seat... To then pass it on to you... through the evocation of the sculpture of a seat, the gilded wood of a mirror, the mahogany of a pretty table, the decor of a pair of lamps, the deep moldings of the elegant chests of drawers... In an atmosphere so faithful to the 18th century... and a few exceptions for beautifully crafted 19th century pieces. CEA and CEDEA expert. Wedding Lists Shipping Worldwide. Also on Instagram and Facebook (Valerie Muné Antiquités)

Our contact details


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78 Avenue de Suffren - 75015 PARIS, France
(Member de Paris)
Speaks English
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