These General Conditions (hereinafter the "GTC") are offered by WEB ANTIQUES SAS, with a capital of 8000 €, a company registered with the RCS of Paris under the number 889414058 whose registered office is located at 47 Boulevard de Courcelles, 75008 Paris (hereinafter “WEB ANTIQUES”).
1. Definitions
We will then designate:
- " Buyer ": User acquiring a product or service presented on the site against payment (purchase) from a Seller.
- " Announcement ": Any offer to sell one or more antiques that can be added independently by any seller on the platform.
- « Client » : the Internet user making a purchase of a Service on the Site;
- "Consumer": in accordance with the definition of the preliminary article of the Consumer Code: " any natural person who acts for purposes which do not fall within the scope of his commercial, industrial, craft or liberal activity »;
- " Order " :means the process of online purchase of an Antique Object by any Buyer from a Seller on the Site.
- "Editor" : the person, moral or physical, responsible for the edition and the content of the Site.
- "Gallery": all antiques and more generally content offered for sale by the same seller and this through advertisements posted on the platform.
- "Antique object" : Any object, work, offered for sale by any Seller on the platform.
- “Member”: Any User who has registered on the Site
- " Platform " or“Site” or “Service” : the site and all of its pages.
- " Benefit ": paid service of publication or consultation of Advertisements, or any option that it is possible to buy or to which it is possible to subscribe from the Site (and not from the Advertisers)
- "Payment service provider" : designates the company, holder of a banking license, providing, through WEB ANTIQUES, payment services to Sellers in order to enable them to collect payments from Customers.
- " User " : the Internet user visiting and using the Site, whether buyer or seller.
- " Seller " : any professional User, having an Antikeo Gallery and who offers for sale one or more Item(s) on the Site as part of his commercial or professional activity.
The User of the Site is invited to read these T&Cs carefully, to print them and/or save them on a durable medium. The User acknowledges having read the T&Cs and accepts them in full and without reservation.
These general terms and conditions of the Antikeo Site (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and conditions”) govern the relationship between:
The User (as defined in article 1 below)
WEB ANTIQUES, a simplified joint-stock company with a share capital of 8,000 Euros, registered with the PARIS Trade and Companies Register under number 889414058, whose head office is located at 47 Boulevard de Courcelles - 75008 PARIS.
Hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Parties » and individually a «Part».
2. Modality of acceptance of the GCs
These T&Cs govern the relationship between Web Antiques and each User, and prevail over any other document. By this definition, they form a contract between Web Antiques and the User.
The documents mentioned by reference in the GC form an integral part thereof, unless expressly stipulated otherwise herein.
By visiting or accessing the Platform and using the Service, the User or Member expressly and unreservedly agrees to be legally bound by all the stipulations of the T&Cs. If the User or Member does not accept these T&Cs, he undertakes to immediately cease all visits to the Platform and, where applicable, not to register on the Platform or place an order.
Web Antiques reserves the right to modify the CG at any time, CG which will be effective fifteen (15) calendar days after being put online.
Web Antiques undertakes to make these T&Cs accessible to the User by means of a hypertext link visible on the website, as such, it is therefore up to Users to regularly consult the T&Cs to keep themselves informed of the version in force.
The User is free to unsubscribe from the Site if the version in force of the GC does not suit him and this at any time according to the methods presented in paragraph5.2.2.
As soon as he does not unsubscribe, he will be deemed to accept without reservation the version in force of the GC from the day on which they are applicable and in accordance with the deadline set in paragraph 2.3.
3. Description of services
WEB ANTIQUES develops and operates the Antikeo Platform accessible at the address
The Platform is an online marketplace that connects exclusively professional Sellers and Buyers for the sale of antiques.
WEB ANTIQUES acts as a trusted third party and facilitates the meeting between Buyers and Sellers.
In this capacity, it is specified that WEB ANTIQUES, which is neither Seller nor Buyer, exercises no control over the sales made by Users on the Site and cannot be held liable in this regard, in any capacity whatsoever. it would be.
Only the Sellers are responsible for the Advertisements offered on the Site and the information they contain, for the sale of the Items through the Site and for the processing of any complaints from the Buyers; only the latter are responsible for their purchases made through the Site as well as all of their actions carried out on it or through it.
4. Technical specifications
By using the Platform, the User acknowledges having the means and skills necessary to use the Platform.
The equipment required to access and use the Platform is the responsibility of the User, as are the telecommunications costs incurred by their use.
5. Access and registration to the platform
The Platform is accessible to any User, whether registered or not. However, access to the Service and the use of all of its features require the prior registration of the User as a Member. Web Antiques reserves the right to accept or refuse the Member's registration request, in accordance with the terms specified on the Platform and/or at the time of registration. The registration of a legal person as a Member must only be undertaken by a natural person authorized to represent it.
5.1. Registration procedure as a Seller
The User who wishes to become a Seller must complete the Seller registration form accessible at the address The Seller who completes this registration form must ensure that the information provided is accurate, sincere and consistent with reality. In the event of a change in his situation, the Seller must immediately inform WEB ANTIQUES of his new information.
Furthermore, WEB ANTIQUES reserves the right to refuse the registration of a User as a Seller for any reason that does not meet theinternal criteria WEB ANTIQUES for the selection of Sellers.
In the event that the Seller provides inaccurate, outdated information, or that the behavior of the Seller is considered by WEB ANTIQUES as not meeting its quality criteria, WEB ANTIQUES may immediately and without notice, suspend or terminate the Seller's account. . If the Seller has a subscription whose expiry date is later than the date of termination,WEB ANTIQUES will refund the remaining days from the date of termination to the due date.
Moreover,ANTIQUE WEBSITES reminds the Seller of his obligation to respect the laws and regulations relating to the conclusion of a sales contract.
5.1.1. Management of Seller IDs
The Seller will be solely responsible for the use of his login credentials or the various actions performed on his Account.
In the event that a Seller discloses or uses his identifiers in a manner contrary to their intended purpose, WEB ANTIQUES may then terminate the Member account without notice or compensation.
Under no circumstances can WEB ANTIQUES be held liable in the event of usurpation of the identity of a Seller. Any access and action carried out from the Seller's account of a Seller will be presumed to be carried out by this Seller, insofar as WEB ANTIQUES does not have the obligation and does not have the technical means allowing it to ensure the identity of the persons having access to the site from the Seller account.
Any loss, misappropriation, or unauthorized use of a Seller's identifiers and their consequences are the sole responsibility of the Seller, the latter being required to notify WEB ANTIQUES, without delay, by electronic message sent to the following
5.1.2. Seller Unsubscribe
The Seller is bound by a commitment period fixed at the time of registration and automatically renewable at expiry.
The Seller may decide at any time to end the automatic renewal of his subscription, directly from his Seller space or by email, at the The subscription will remain valid until the end of its commitment period and direct debits, if applicable depending on the type of subscription, will be due until the end of the commitment period.
5.2. Procedure for registering as a Member
Any User wishing to be able to use all the free features offered to him by the Site must register on the Site as a Member.
Registration on the Site is carried out by clicking on the “Create an account” link and choosing one of the following registration methods:
- Manual filling of the information listed by the fields of the registration form and necessary for the creation of the Member account;
- Using the “Facebook Connect” function. In this case of use, the User authorizes WEB ANTIQUES to consult the information of his Facebook account which he has made public and which is necessary for the creation of the Member account;
- Use of the “Google Sign In” function. In this case of use, the User authorizes WEB ANTIQUES to consult the information of his Google account which he has made public and which is necessary for the creation of the Member account;
The User wishing to become a Member agrees to provide WEB ANTIQUES with accurate, sincere and truthful information.
At the end of the creation of the User's Member account and if the latter has used the method 1. described in this chapter, a confirmation email will be sent to the address indicated during registration; this email contains an account creation confirmation link to ensure that this email address is correct.
The User is entirely responsible for the accuracy and updating of the data communicated in connection with the opening and management of his Member account.
5.2.1. Management of Member IDs
The Member will be solely responsible for the use of his login credentials or the various actions carried out on his Account.
In the event that a Customer discloses or uses his identifiers in a manner contrary to their intended purpose, WEB ANTIQUES may then terminate the Member account without notice or compensation.
Under no circumstances can WEB ANTIQUES be held liable in the event of the theft of a Customer's identity. Any access and action carried out from the Member account of a Customer will be presumed to be carried out by this Customer, insofar as WEB ANTIQUES does not have the obligation and does not have the technical means allowing it to ensure the identity of persons having access to the site from the Member account.
Any loss, misappropriation, or unauthorized use of a Customer's identifiers and their consequences are the sole responsibility of the Customer, the latter being required to notify WEB ANTIQUES, without delay, by electronic message sent to the following
5.2.2. Member Unsubscribe
The Customer may at any time close his Member account by sending an email to the WEB ANTIQUES will deactivate the Member account as soon as possible and will send the Customer an email confirming the closure of his Member account and the permanent deletion of all of its elements on the Site.
6. Announcements
6.1. Posting an Ad
The Seller can, from his Seller space, create Ads that will be visible on the Site.
6.1.1 Content of an Advertisement
The Seller undertakes to provide, at a minimum, the following information in the Advertisement:
- The category that best characterizes the antique object offered for sale;
- Three (3) minimum photographs of the Antique Object. The Seller undertakes that these photos faithfully represent the Antique Object, have not been retouched and present, if they exist, all the defects of the Antique Object. The Seller undertakes to publish photographs for which he holds all the rights attached thereto;
- The title of the Announcement that best summarizes the Antique Object;
- The description of the Ad. The Seller undertakes to provide as much information as possible about the Antique Object and in particular, but not exclusively, any defect in the Antique Object;
- The style and period of the Antiquity Object;
- The sale price in EUROS of the Antique object. When entering the sale price, the Seller is informed of the potential costs and/or sales commissions charged when paying by credit card.
Other additional information may be provided by the Seller and is optional.
The Seller is entirely responsible for the Advertisement and the information provided therein, in particular the veracity of the information communicated. As such, the Seller undertakes that the Antique Object put up for sale in the Advertisement strictly complies with the laws, regulations and other requirements in force.
The same applies to any information communicated about an Antique Object to a User of the Site, regardless of the means of exchange (instant messaging on the Site, exchanges by email, telephone, SMS, etc.).
6.1.2 Validation of an Ad
When the Seller considers that his Announcement is finalized, he can proceed to its publication.
WEB ANTIQUES then performs several actions and checks before the official publication of the Announcement on the Site.
In addition, if the Seller has not provided the title and/or description of the Advertisement in one or more languages of the Site, WEB ANTIQUES will translate them. WEB ANTIQUES cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracy resulting from this translation.
In the event that the advertisement does not respect the following points, WEB ANTIQUES reserves the right to refuse the posting of the advertisement:
- If the Announcement does not respect the elements listed in paragraph 6.1.1;
- If the photographs presented do not allow a sufficiently qualitative clipping of the Object of Antiquity or if the general quality of the photographs is insufficient to correctly present the Object of Antiquity;
- In case of doubt about the veracity of the information provided or the possibly counterfeit nature of the Antique Object.
WEB ANTIQUES undertakes, in the event of refusal, to present the reasons for this refusal to the Seller.
The delays linked to the publication of an advertisement by WEB ANTIQUES are generally less than 24 hours, but WEB ANTIQUES cannot be held responsible in the event of this delay being exceeded for any reason whatsoever.
Sellers are also reminded that they are prohibited from deleting and then recreating an Advertisement presenting the same Antique Object.
6.2. Deleting or modifying an Ad
WEB ANTIQUES reserves the right, at any time, to delete an Advertisement already published in the event that it does not respect the criteria set out in theare present CG.
Furthermore, the Seller accepts that WEB ANTIQUES modifies the category of an Advert or the order of the photographs.
7. Order
7.1. Order process
7.1.1. Price offer
The User has thepossibility to negotiate the priceof an Antique Object by sending a message to the Seller from the Antique Object page on the Site, by clicking on “Contact the Antique Dealer”.
If the Seller has authorized the "Make an offer" option on an Antique Object, the User has the possibility to make a reduced price offer for this Antique Object from the Listing page, by clicking on the "Make an offer" button. The User can then propose a new price for this Antique Object, this price excluding delivery costs.
If the Seller accepts the price offer, the User agrees to place an order by clicking on the "Add to cart" button included in the price offer.
The Seller has the possibility of making a counter-offer by proposing a new price.
7.1.2. Adding an Antique item to the cart
The User can select the Antique Objects he wishes to buy online on the Site by adding them to his Basket.
The Price of the Antique Object offered for sale on the Site includes all taxes, excluding customs duties, and appears on the Advertisement of the Antique Object concerned.
If a price offer has been concluded beforehand between the Seller and the User for an Antique Object, the price displayed takes this price offer into account.
7.1.3. Order process
The User finds in his Basket the Antique Objects selected on the Site. From this Basket, the User must, for each Antique Object, select a delivery option.
In the event that no delivery option is available or suitable for the User, the latter has the possibility of requesting a transport estimate by clicking on the link "Request a transport estimate" and by filling in the delivery address of his choice.
When the Seller responds favorably to the User with a transport offer, this is displayed in the Shopping Cart with the possibility of selecting it.
When a transport option has been selected for each Antique object present in the User's basket, the latter has the possibility:
- To place an order via PayPal if the option is available in the Shopping Cart. The User is then required to provide the information requested by PayPal and to proceed to payment;
- To place an order via the ordering process of the Site. The User is then required to choose his delivery address, his billing address and his means of payment. The User also acknowledges and accepts theseCG by a validation click.
By clicking on "Finalize payment", he undertakes vis-à-vis the Seller(s) to buy the Antique Object(s) at the price(s) indicated on the ( the) Listing(s) and the associated delivery charge(s).
7.2. Conclusion of the sales contract
The Buyer receives an email confirming that his order has been taken into account. However, the sales contract concluded between the Buyer and the Seller is subject to the subsequent condition that the Antique Object be available.
In the event of unavailability of the Antique Object, the Seller undertakes to inform the Buyer within two (2) working days following the Order Confirmation. The sales contract being canceled between the Seller and the Buyer, the Buyer receives a refund equal to the price of the Antique Object and the associated transport costs if they exist.
If the product is available, the Seller, depending on the choice of transport selected by the Buyer, proceeds to the shipment of the Object of antiquity according to the deadline mentioned on the Announcement or to contact the Buyer for a handover.
7.3. Means of payment
Payments for orders are made in cash, using one of the following means of payment:
- Pby bank card (Visa, Mastercard, Carte Bleue, American Express). For this method of payment, the Seller authorizes WEB ANTIQUES to collect, in its name and on its behalf, the price of the transaction. In order to cover the transaction costs collected by the payment agent, the Seller authorizes WEB ANTIQUES to withhold 3% of the total amount of the transaction. These costs are final and cannot be returned to the Seller for any reason;
- By Apple Pay or Google Pay. For this method of payment,The Seller authorizes WEB ANTIQUES to collect, in its name and on its behalf, the price of the transaction. In order to cover the transaction costs collected by the payment agent, the Seller authorizes WEB ANTIQUES to withhold 3% of the total amount of the transaction. These costs are final and cannot be returned to the Seller for any reason;
- Through the Buyer's Paypal account. The Buyer who uses Paypal as a means of payment must be of legal age and comply with the AUP Paypal guidelines listed on this page:
7.4. Bill
The invoice is edited by the Seller.
It is therefore up to the Buyer to contact the Seller so that he can send him the invoice corresponding to his purchase by the means that suits him.
7.5. Shipping and Delivery
7.5.1. General
Several shipping methods are offered on the Site:
- Hand delivery ;
- standard delivery;
- Delivery by specialized carrier.
The Seller specifies on the Advertisement the different delivery methods available, which may vary depending on the characteristics of the Antique Object.
7.5.2. Delivery methods Hand delivery
This free delivery method allows the buyer to pick up the item at the address indicated in the ad.
Do not hesitate to ask the Antiques Dealer before buying to be sure of its opening hours and collection procedures. standard delivery
Standard delivery generally corresponds to delivery by Colissimo or carriers such as DHL, Fedex etc. Delivery by specialized carrier
It could be :
- A delivery made by the Seller himself, generally within a radius around the place of storage of the Antique Object;
- Delivery by a carrier selected by the Seller because special precautions must be taken for this shipment.
7.5.3. Delivery Responsibilities
Responsibility for deliveries is exclusively borne by the legal or natural person who enters into a sales contract with the carrier responsible for the delivery of the Antique Object..
In the event that the opening of a dispute becomes necessary, the legal or natural personwho signed the sales contracttransport will have to turn against the carrier.
8. Returns and right of withdrawal
In accordance with the legal provisions in force, in the context of a purchase made from a professional Seller, the Buyer has a period of fourteen (14) days from receipt of the Object(s) of antiques ordered to exercise, with said Seller, his right of withdrawal, without having to justify reasons or pay a penalty.
In the event of exercise of the right of withdrawal within the aforementioned period, only the price of the antique object(s) purchased and the shipping costs will be reimbursed, the return costs remaining at the expense of the buyer. 'Buyer.
Returns must be made in their original condition and complete, taking all the necessary precautions in the manufacture of the packaging.
Any Antique Object returned to the Seller damaged or whose original packaging is damaged will not be refunded or exchanged.
The Buyer exercises his right of withdrawal directly from the Seller concerned pby the written means of his choice (email or instant messaging on the Site).
Once the declaration of withdrawal has been sent to the Seller, the Buyer must return the Antique Object(s) concerned to the Seller within fourteen (14) days at the latest.
If necessary, WEB ANTIQUES will reimburse the sums paid corresponding to the selling price of the Antique Object(s) returned by the Buyer as well as any associated transport costs paid. as part of the initial purchase following confirmation by the Seller of the good receipt of the Antique Object(s).
9. Liability
9.1. General principles
ANTIQUE WEBSITES declines all responsibility in particular:
- in the event of impossibility of accessing the Site for maintenance operations or interruption of service;
- in the event of hacking into an automated data processing system;
- in the event of abnormal use or illicit exploitation of the Site by a User or a third party;
- in the event of delay or non-performance of its obligations, when the cause of the delay or non-performance is linked to a case of force majeure as defined in article 9.3 of these T&Cs;
- in the event of non-compliance with these T&Cs attributable to Users;
- in the event of a foreign cause not attributable to WEB ANTIQUES;
- in the event of unlawful action by a Seller, or breach of contract of which a Seller is guilty;
- any problem encountered during the execution of an order by the Seller.
In the event of abnormal use or illicit exploitation of the Site, the User is then solely responsible for the damage caused to third parties and the consequences of the claims or actions that may result therefrom.
9.2. Disputes between Users
TAny dispute arising between Users, whether they are Sellers or not, must be dealt with between them. The Seller is responsible for the proper execution of the Order made by the Buyer.
In the event of a dispute concerning an Order, WEB ANTIQUES will pass on the complaint to the Seller concerned who will be solely responsible for handling the dispute.
WEB ANTIQUES may only, if necessary, intervene as a mediator.
9.3. force majeure
The responsibility of WEB ANTIQUES cannot be implemented if the non-execution or the delay in the execution of one of its obligations described in these CG results from a case of force majeure.
There is force majeure in contractual matters when an event beyond the control of the debtor, which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract and the effects of which cannot be avoided by appropriate measures, prevents the performance of its obligation. by the debtor.
If the impediment is temporary, performance of the obligation is suspended unless the resulting delay justifies termination of the contract. If the impediment is final, the contract is terminated automatically and the parties are released from their obligations under the conditions provided for in Articles 1351 and 1351-1 of the Civil Code.
As such, the responsibility of WEB ANTIQUES cannot be engaged in particular in the event of an attack by computer pirates, unavailability of materials, supplies, spare parts, personal or other equipment; and interruption, suspension, reduction or disruption of electricity or other or any interruption of electronic communications networks, as well as in the event of the occurrence of any circumstance or event outside the control of WEB ANTIQUES occurring after the conclusion of the GTC and by preventing the execution under normal conditions.
It is specified that, in such a situation, the User cannot claim the payment of any compensation and cannot bring any action against WEB ANTIQUES.
10. Ownership of the intellectual property rights of WEB ANTIQUES
The systems, software, structures, infrastructures, databases and content of any kind (texts, images, visuals, music, logos, brands, database, etc.) operated by WEB ANTIQUES within the Site, with the exception content disseminated by the Sellers, are protected by all intellectual property rights or rights of database producers in force.
All disassembly, decompilation, decryption, extraction, reuse, copy and more generally, all acts of reproduction, representation, distribution and use of any of these elements, in whole or in part, without the authorization of WEB ANTIQUES are strictly prohibited. and may be subject to legal action.
11. Protection of personal data
As part of the operation of the Site, WEB ANTIQUES may collect personal data.
This data is necessary for the management of the Site and the provision of the Services. The data is kept confidential by WEB ANTIQUES for the purposes of the contract, its execution and in compliance with the law.
As such, the USER is invited to consult the Privacy Policy, accessible at the following address which will give him all the information relating to the protection of personal data, and to the processing carried out via the Site.
In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons at with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection RegulationitGDPR), WEB ANTIQUES ensures the implementation of the rights of the persons concerned.
It is recalled that the User whose personal data is processed benefits from the rights of access, rectification, updating, portability and deletion of the information which concerns him, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 39 and 40. of the amended Data Protection Act, and the provisions of Articles 15, 16 and 17 of the General European Regulation on the Protection of Persons (GDPR).
In accordance with the provisions of article 38 of the amended Data Protection Act and the provisions of article 21 of the GDPR, the USER may also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data concerning him, without reason and free of charge.
The User may exercise these rights by sending an e-mail to the adresse: or a letter to WEB ANTIQUES - 47 Boulevard de Courcelles - 75008 PARIS, France
12. Service clients
Any question or complaint concerning the use or operation of the Site can be formulated according to the following methods:
- by e-mail to the following address:;
- by post to WEB ANTIQUES - 47 Boulevard de Courcelles - 75008 PARIS, France;
- by phone at +33 1 83 64 78 46.
13. Modifications
WEB ANTIQUES reserves the right to modify these general conditions at any time.
The User will be informed of these modifications by any useful means.
The User who does not accept the modified general conditions must unsubscribe from the Site according to the procedures provided for in article 5.2.2.
Any User who uses the Services after the entry into force of the modified general conditions is deemed to have accepted these modifications.
14. Language
In the event of a translation of these general conditions into one or more languages, the language of interpretation will be the French language in the event of contradiction or dispute over the meaning of a term or provision.
15. Applicable law and jurisdiction
These general conditions are governed by French law.
In the event of a dispute over the validity, interpretation and/or execution of these general terms and conditions, the parties agree that the courts of Paris will have exclusive jurisdiction to judge, unless there are mandatory rules of procedure to the contrary.
16. Entry into force
These general terms and conditions entered into force on 18/03/2023.