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Sale of sewing kits in boxes (from the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century) with tools in gold, mother-of-pearl, silver, etc. I also sell small display items
Display phone number +33 6 32 08 87 22
Antique Silver Sewing Kit Embroidery Scissors Thimble Punch Fable La Fontaine
650 €
Very Small Sewing Kit Scissors Steel Art Deco Eloi Pernet Thimble Early 19th Century
250 €
Antique 19th Century Travel Sewing Kit, Tortoiseshell-Style Thimble, Scissors, Needle Case
340 €
Nécessaire De Couture Brodeuse Argent Art Nouveau Ciseaux Ciseaux Dé à Coudre End XIXe Début XXe
190 €
Antique Silver Art Nouveau Sewing Kit Embroidery Scissors Thimble Awl Hook
270 €
Antique Solid Gold Two-Color Thimble late 19th/early 20th century
420 €
Gallery Au bonheur des dames 2010
Au bonheur des dames 2010
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